
Books & Magazines

Mécénat Note 80

80_minKigyo Mécénat Kyogikai has published the quartery newsletter “Mécénat Note” since May 1999.
It features issues and topics on corporate arts support mainly in Japan. It also covers a wide range of topics concerning the infrastructure of the arts such as cultural policy, arts management, arts education and cutting edge programs.
Mécénat Note is available by yearly basis subscription.(Japanese version only)
The details of the “Mécénat Note” and other publications, including booklets and reports, are available on our website (Japanese page).

※The series of Mécénat Note has been finished at the publication of No. 80. It will shift into a form of web magazines shortly. Please contact us for further details.

Understanding ‘Mecenat’ (Japanese)

UnderstandingAs a remark of the 20th anniversary of Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, this book offers 20 years of mecenat trends and cases studies, as well as comments from Japanese Corporate Mecenat pioneers. It also includes the overview of current corporate mecenat activities with photos and charts.


Preface Shigeo Fukuchi [President of Association of Corporate Support of the Arts, Chairman of Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)]

20 years of Corporate Mecenat Yoshiharu Fukuhara [Chairman of Association of Corporate Support of the Arts, Shiseido Honorary Chairman]

I 20 years of Mecenat: “The Investigation Survey of Mécénat Activities”
  1. 20 years of Mecenat trends and social activities
  2. Reading from “The Investigation Survey of Mecenat Activities” – KMK Research Committee
II What Corporate Mecenat Has Done
  1. Corporate Mecenat has been supporting the creators of arts and culture, and stimulating new creative activities
  2. Corporate Mecenat has created more opportunities for everyone to see and feel arts
  3. Corporate Mecenat has encouraged a variety of creative presentations of people
  4. Corporate Mecenat has nurtured of next generation through arts, and contributed to the international exchange
  5. Corporate Mecenat has turned its eyes to diverse culture as well as its own
  6. Corporate Mecenat has supported the local culture, and brought vitality to the local regions
III Corporate Mecenat
  1. Cultural Facilities of Corporations
    Concert Hall/ Theatre, Multi-purposed facility/ Art Museum/ Museum, Gallery
  2. Budget for Mecenat, Mecenat by Money
    Mecenat Activities Expenses / Sponsorship and Organization Support / Grant Program / Donation … “Art Project Assistance Approval Program”
  3. Mecenat by Management Resources
    What we can see from Mecenat Award
    Tadashi Ichihashi [Head of Mecenat Award Section Committe, Chief Shiseido CSR]
IV Mecenat to Revive the Local
  1. “Region” oriented Mecenat by data
  2. Urgent proposal of “New Compact” for Social Creativity – the local community regeneration by Culture Promotion-
V More Bearers of Cultural Promotion
  1. Mecenat by Partnership
    “10 Proposals for Japanese Art Promotion”
  2. Toward Arts and Cultural Promotion of the Private Sectors
    Taneo Kato [KMK Director, Chairman of Research Department, Executive Secretary of Asahi Group Arts Foundation]

Regional (Local) Mecenat is Interesting (Japanese)

white_series_1mg1‘Corporations + Arts + Reginal Practices‘


The second book of “Mecenat White Paper” offers a theme of Regional and Local Mecenat.

We have a long history of many local companies and private sectors supporting the regional and local culture across Japan. Recently, there is a growing number of companies based in cities that has started their regional and local Mecenat as a priority of their social contribution, and ‘local-oriented’ corporate mecenat has grown in popularity.

This paper offers various cases across the country, of which companies supporting the local culture and increasing the power of community through cultural activities.

Mecenat Management – Introduction of Strategic Social Contribution (Japanese)


On the theme of “Mecenat Management”, this paper looks at a change in its management trend from ‘profit-reduction mecent’ to ‘strategic goal-achievement mecenat’; how mecenat is positioned within corporations, and operated.

This paper also offers annual reports of “The Investigation Survey of Mécénat Activities”, mecenat information resource list, mecenat glossary, culture tax comparion across the world, and mecenat chronology.

Mécénat White Paper 1991~2000 (Japanese)

mecenat-white-paperIn 1991, KMK started to publish annually the “Mécénat White Paper” that includes the result of the Survey (Japanese version only).
In addition to statistical data on corporations, reports on corporate foundations, national and local government are included in every edition. Articles and other materials on Mécénat published during the year are covered in the appendix. Every year, a special topic is featured as follows.

  • Mécénat Around the World (1995)
  • Corporate Cultural Facilities(1996)
  • Arts Awards and Competition Programs by Corporations(1997)
  • Diversified Mécénat in Regions(1998)
  • Corporate Arts Support from the Artists’ View(1999)
  • Corporate Arts Support from the Citizen’s View(2000)

“Mécénat White Paper” was renewed to “Mécénat White Paper Series” in 2002. This series aims to provide more detailed information surrounding Mécénat focusing on the topics in each issue.
The details of the “Mécénat White Paper” and other publications, including booklets and reports, are available on our website (Japanese page).