In 2020, we will attract the world attention by the celebration of sports, Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. At the same time, the diverse and various culture across Japan are catching people’s interests, and it is a great opportunity for us to present these local traditions, and to promote new artistic activities and international cultural exchange.
Association for Corporate Support of the Arts regards the year of 2020 as one of the turning points, therefore has set Arts Fund for the Creation of Society (Arts Fund) on the purpose of promoting arts and culture to create the future after 2020.
GBFund (G: Geijyutsu/Arts, B:Bunka/culture, F:Fukkou/Revival&Fund) was launched in 23 March 2011, by Association for Corporate Support of the Arts.
GBFund is supporting artistic and cultural restoration activities to support the affected areas and people, and to revive tangible and intangible cultural resources of the affected areas, together with the donors who support the spirit of this fund.
KMK was granted the status of “Specific Public Interest Promoting Corporation (donors to this kind of corporation are entitled to tax credits) by the Agency for Cultural Affairsin 1994. Under this unique status, KMK has been able to facilitate corporate support to the arts by initiating the Arts Project Assistance Approval Program, which provides corporations based in Japan and individuals with tax-exempt advantages upon their donations to artists and art projects through our organization (In 2011, KMK became a Public Interest Incorporated Association under the new law, which allows the same tax credits).