
International Relations

Fosters exchange with mécénat organizations around the world

Kigyo Mécénat Kyogikai (KMK: Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, Japan) aims to foster international relations with business-arts alliances, artists and cultural organizations around the world through active exchange of information and participation in international meetings.

  • 2015 Association for Corporate Support of the Arts: Celebration of the 25th Anniversary
    Osaka Conference
  • Delegation Inspection Tour in France
    2014 Association for Corporate Support of the Arts: Celebration of the 25th Anniversary
    Tokyo Conference
  • Delegation Inspection Tour in Malaysia
    1997 Delegation  Inspection Tour in France
    1993  Delegation  Inspection Tour in Switzerland and German
    1992  Delegation Inspection Tour in United States of America
Australia Creative Partnerships Australia
Austria Initiativen Wirtschaft fur Kunst (Austrian Business Committee for the Arts)【IWK】
Belgium Fondation Promethea (Foundation for the Promotion of the Arts)
Canada Council for Business and the Arts in Canada【CBAC】
Denmark NyX Forum (Danish Forum for Art and Business)
France Association pour le Developpement du Mecenat industriel et Commercial 【ADMICAL】
(Association for the Development of Industrial and Commercial Cultural Support)
Germany Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft
Korea Korean Business Council for the Arts 【KOBCA】
Norway Arts & Business
Poland Commitment to Europe – Arts & Business 【CTE】
Republic of Ireland Business to Arts
South Africa Business & Arts South Africa【BASA】
Sweden Kultur och Naingsliv(Arts & Business Sweden)
United Kingdom Arts & Business
USA Americans for the Arts