Through the implementation of mechanisms that help to bring to fruition diverse corporate support for the arts, “This is MECENAT” is a movement to deepen understanding and appreciation of activities that promote arts and culture, seeking to realize a richly creative society.
By focusing on support activities implemented by corporations, corporate foundations and private sector federations—for the purpose of promoting social creativity through arts and culture—it is possible to demonstrate their social significance and presence, and our hope is that such activities will create wider awareness of the tremendously imaginative and original ideas that are being implemented in all regions around the country.
“This is MECENAT”-certified activities are granted the “MECENAT Mark,” and are registered in the “MECENAT Archives.” Each year examples of outstanding activities are selected from the archives and a total of seven “MECENAT Awards” are presented.
Our belief is that if 100 corporations and organizations are involved, this will result in 100 different ways of engaging in support activities and initiatives. The aim of the “MECENAT Archives,” which highlight these various activities, is to act as a platform for publicizing and promoting Japan’s corporate support activities to the nation and the wider world.
The activities certified ‘This is MECENAT’ are entitled to the selection of Mecenat Award (entry optional) on the following year, and 7 excellent activities will be chosen and awarded.
The Japan Mécénat Awards are presented annually since 1991 by KMK to corporations and corporate foundations whose support for the arts has significantly contributed to Japanese culture and society. Since the first Japan Mécénat Award, we have granted the awards to 179 activities from all over the country.
The subjects for Japan Mécénat Award are activities that contribute towards an affluent society by promoting arts and culture such as opportunity offerings for citizens to enjoy arts and cultures, protection and nurture of regional cultures, cooperation and financial support with cultural and arts organizations. Japan Mécénat Award aims to encourage a lot of people to recognize what and how corporate mécénat is in our lives and to have core understandings and empathy with what is behind it.
Activities entitled for selection: 7 activities certified ‘This is MECENAT’ on the previous year will be chosen and awarded.
Music / Fine Art / Craft / Film / Visual Media / Plays / Dance / Literature / Traditional Performing Arts / Folklore / Architecture / Composed Arts / Cultural Heritage and Historical landmark / Domestic Arts / Design / Fashion / Manufacturing / etc.
Holding cultural programs such as performances and exhibitions / Manpower and material support, supply of knowledge and space, financial support / Education, outreach, workshops / Commendation and contests / Facility management / Research, research promotion, publication / etc.
Offered to the most significant mécénat activity that has contributed to the promotion of arts and culture.
Names of the awards will be chosen to reflect contents of winning activities. Offered to five winning activities which contributed to building a society through arts and culture.
Offered to one mécénat activity that has significantly contributed to enhance the cultural integration and creativity among the citizens, or to establish publicity of Japanese cultures in foreign countries.
Utilization of management resources / Integrations arts, cultures, society and regional communities / Possibility of development in an activity, and an applicant’s eagerness to continue it / Impacts and contributions to arts, cultures, and society / etc.
Approaches to enhance the quality of cultural integrations and creativity among the citizens (local residence, children, etc.) with partnerships of external organizations such as local governments, public interest corporations, NPO, schools, social welfare corporations or to establish publicity Japanese cultures in foreign countries.
The trophies are designed by Japanese young artist who is selected in competition, and are renewd every three year.