Vol. 5 インタビュー 都市研究ルジャックセンター
ジャカルタ市と共に ―― 新しい文化政策と新しいルジャック
Together with Jakarta City Mayor ―― New Cultural Policy and New Rujak
vol.5 インタビュー 都市研究ルジャックセンター、インドネシア
Interview Column 5: Rujak Center for Urban Studies, Indonesia
Marco Kusumawijaya (Founder and Director)
Rujak Center for Urban Studies (RCUS)
Founded in 2010, Rujak Center for Urban Studies (RCUS) aims to fill the gaps in the necessary process of transition into the ecological age. The vision of RCUS is working together with communities in generating innovative knowledge and practices to build sustainable cities and regions. RCUS focuses on cities as human territories that amalgamate most, if not all, of contemporary and future human problems. https://rujak.org/
――2016年3月にルジャックセンターの協力を得てジャカルタで国際会議を開催しまし、今年の1月に開催された東京会議ではインドネシアからティモセウス・レスマナ 氏(創立者/会長、インドネシア・フィランソロピー・アソシエーション)、とリンダ・ホエマー・アビディン氏(創立メンバー/執行委員会財務担当、インドネシア芸術連合)をお呼びしました。その後何か変化がありましたか?
Q: So let’s start with after-effect of Jakarta Conference in partnership with your Rujak Center last March. Also we have invited Mr. Timotheus Lesmana (Founder/Chairman, Indonesian Philanthropy Association) and Linda Hoemar Abidin (Founding Member / Treasurer of the Executive Board, The Indonesian Art Coalition) to Tokyo Conference in January. Has there been any new movements since then?
Marco: To tell you the truth, I have been involved deeply in new election for new mayor for Jakarta. So I supported one candidate, and he won. Now I am in his team, preparing for new government operation taking place in October. So in a way, I have been away from arts for some time.
2016年3月ジャカルタ会議 |Jakarta Conference on March 2016
2016年3月のジャカルタ会議後、ある程度の効果はあったと思います。たとえば会議に参加していた人たちはとても興味を持ちました。芸術に特化したフィランソロピーを推進している組織である「企業メセナ協議会」というものが実在することに驚き、特に企業の芸術に対するサポートの姿勢というものを認識したのです。そういった意味では、ある程度の成果はでたかと思います。しかしながら、実際に何か動き始めたかというとそうでもないのが現状です。実際、ティモセウス・レスマナ 氏とリンダ・ホエマー・アビディン氏は、インドネシアにおける企業の芸術支援をリードしていく覚悟はできていますし、もちろん私も彼らが最初に推進していくべきだと伝えました。私はサポートとして彼らを支えていくつもりなのです。しかしながら、なかなかミーティングが開催されないのです。
Since the conference in Jakarta, of course there are changes in a sense. Invitees such as corporate leaders and philanthropy leaders were surprised with the existence of KMK as well as various corporate support activities for arts, and recognized the ways and approaches of corporations towards supporting arts. In that sense, I think that some achievements were made. However, that it is not so much whether we actually started something. Of course, Mr. Timothuse and Ms. Linda were ready to lead and promote corporate support for the arts in Indonesia, and of course I also told them that they should lead instead of me. And I will support them. However, meetings have not been held.
Q: I see. So how about the government? Has there been any movement for the government to support artistic and cultural activities? There were many government officials at Jakarta Conference.
At Tokyo Conference in January 2017 (From left) Mr. Marco Kusumawijaya, Ms. Linda Hoemar, and Mr. Timotheus Lesmana
Marco: After the meeting in January, we reported Tokyo visits and meeting details to the government agency at national level. We reported to the Director General of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Directorate of Education. Also I gave a report of on the Tokyo conference to the creative industrial agency which is also one of the government agencies. They are all ready to support us, but since the problem has been who has to lead and be responsible, which is either Timothuse, Linda, or me.
Q: But you are so busy working with the new government, it seems that it is difficult for you to take a leadership to promote corporate support for the arts.
But also there is a good side of me being involved in politics. Because I have been involved in mayor election campaign as an assistant, I can work with various corporations. Many corporations come to gather for new mayor of Jakarta, I am thinking that we can propose new cultural policy together with these corporations. Most of corporations in Jakarta are developers, specializing land development and building development. I would like to introduce arts to them and make them interested in it.
Q: I see. Okay, let’s go back to Rujak Center. What is your philosophy?
Marco: As you can see from the name of the organization, it is an organization that specializes in urban studies and urban development, and experts are from various fields which are necessary for our mission. The mission is to propose and build urban study knowledge with communities and society. We work very closely with the communities. It is about thinking ways to change the living environment of the people living in the community. Therefore, it will always change as ecological and environmental change. As the living environment changes, we will continue to respond to it and generate continuous knowledge. Among them, we believe that art plays an important role in urban studies, bringing creativity and a different perspective.
芸術感満載の新オフィス | New Artistic Office of Rujak Center
We still have a facility in Jakarta, and we have annual artist residency program except this year, because we are trying to do a different fellowship residency program for next year. In the past, we always just invited artists to stay and put their works 2-6 months in Jakarta. We have had 2 Japanese artists.
Q: So you actually keep their works?
Marco: We do. Rujak is installing some exhibitions and summer activities. We have communities currently in Jakarta, we have 4 communities against eviction and also to rebuild after eviction.
So that is why we supported new incoming governor, he is also against the eviction. So they have been a lot of evictions past 2-3 years in Jakarta. That is why we mobilize ourselves politically electing governor who declares not to do eviction anymore. He said actually to rebuild neighborhood being demolished. So Rujak is working on the demolished neighborhood, using arts.
Q: That is still a part of your philosophy as your organization.
Marco: So working with communities using arts as ways of knowing and producing knowledge, but at the same time, as a way to express and document your environment and experiences.
Q: What is your annual asset? Do you have any shareholders’ system?
Marco: We are a foundation. In Jog Jakarta, we have assets- a land and building. In Jakarta, we rent an office.
Well, we started our office in my house actually. But we started with a grant to establish our mission and admission. We got a grant to do work with the establishment of fishery and admission.
It was from Hivos, Detsche development company, then we got a small grant from Goodies to start our website, around €1,000 to start our activities, then big grants started to came.
Actually it was an open society at first, then formed to a foundation. This started to grow and have a small office outside my house. So it was quite hard. We worked really hard to get where we are now. We didn’t have any start-up funds. Our work and organization was really struggling, there was a time we didn’t have any money and there were was a months without payment.
Q: How many co-founders are they?
Marco: If I am including all participants of forming workshop, then 13 people. They are not in the foundation, but they were in the workshop when we formulated our vision and mission, they were from different background like 3-4 architects, philosopher specializing cultural studies, environmental scientist, and sociologist. There were not artists. But you know, philosopher, co-founder of Rujak, is working on cultural studies in Jog Jakarta. There is a lot in arts. And as my background, I worked before in Jakarta Arts Council, so cross-mixed.
Meeting with Corporate Partners, proposed by experts from various fields. Center: Mr. Marco Kusuwawijaya
Q: How many are working in Rujak today?
Marco: 6 people. And we have 6 interns. We didn’t do the internship professionally or intentionally in the past, students just apply, so we accepted them. But now we do it more regularly in professional level like planning what the interns need to do, organize meeting all included. Also we have more works to do today.
Q: I see. So how many annual events and programs do you run?
Marco: In terms of program until now, we have one big program. But this program requires a lot of events. And this also takes place in 8 different cities in Indonesia. So we go out to different areas, work with different communities.
And at the same time, we have smaller projects and involvements in different ways. For example, our involvement in evicted communities in Jakarta is not actually programmed, just emerging.
And time to time, there are workshops with other NGOs, donors, and programs, in fact I just came back from East Indonesia, which was an has environment/ocean/geographic conservation program that I was called in to facilitate the lectures to other organizations and NGOs. These kinds of programs in several times a year. And then we have several projects with artists.
We always use politics as a way to change advocacy and policy. So when this emerging election in Jakarta happend, we advocated policies, and now we are in synchronization and transition team, to later take over the government. I will not be in the government, we are preparing program polices for the government, with new governor in October, we will dismiss ourselves.
Q: I see, great. But I would imagine that your target is always the community.
Marco: Our target is always community, and secondly target is of course a policy that helps communities. So that would include the government of course. So we would work with the government with primary ideas or primary goal to help communities. And also for cities or any entities that changes towards sustainable society.
Q: I see. Through 7 years since the establishment of Rujak, what was the most difficult thing?
Marco: Most difficult time was not in the beginning, but in the middle, because we were late reporting, not efficient, losing grants, got into a lot of troubles with donors. Now we know we were not experienced at that time, when we work with different donors, they expect reports. We have to write reports. There was a time we also most black listed. But we are okay now.
I could not say that is the most difficult problem we faced. Most of problems are still going on, which is to convince the authorities to make better policies, according to us, which we now call eco-social approach, we need to solve ecological problems, and at the same time need to solve human problems. They cannot be separated. Authorities are not always the government, could be some donors and private sectors.
Q: In terms of activities, how do the communities acknowledge you?
Q: If you ask me objectively, I think they have seen us as NGO that have expertise and NGO that are offering solutions which acknowledge the existence of community. And do they rely on us? Well- we got requests from them, which is emerging now, sometimes to our surprise. For example, we work with a community in North Jakarta, and got a request from a community next to it to help them improve their neighborhood, so for us it was a quite surprise because they had been very reluctant to get support from outside including the government. So we are very warmed by their request.
But, in Jog Jakarta where we have our own properties, first 2 years was very difficult. Because they saw us as just people bring other people, strange people namely artists, to them. They eventually liked artists themselves, still they see the program as lovely involving. Actually artists are always engaging them. They don’t see that we are engaging them to the artists. But we now have a permanent community facilitator working for us in Jog Jakarta, and he is organizing activities there with the community and community us our facilities for their activities.
Q: What is your organization’s vision, 3-5 years from now?
Marco: I need to tell you, actually I already resigned from executive leadership of Rujak. I am still in it, still a Director, just as a title. But Executive Director is now Elisa. She was a co-founder, and most active one when we started with 13 co-founders who attended 4-day workshop. Executive founders were me, Eliza and other. She went out of Rujak to work with UNESCO for 2 years. She has come back to Rujak since last year, and I asked her to be Executive Director because I wanted to get involved in politics. I will still work and advocate better policies that offering eco-social solutions that are preserving the environment, but at theat the same time, to work in collaboration with both private sectors and government.
Elisa Sutanudajaja, Executive Diretor of Rujak debriefing its staff
The reason why I regisnedresigned and got Elisa is because I want them to develop according to their ways. I am confident in my own ideas, but also open to new ideas. So Rujak needs to move away from myself. That is why I told Elisa and others, to develop Rujak according to what they want, not what I want. It has to be completely different, that is fine with me. I don’t believe in so-called ‘continuity’, I actually believe in ‘disruption’. ‘Disruptive changes’ in a good way. So I believe every generation has their own challenges, and if you have found me useful, that is my experiences and ideas, which should not be the main thing. Main thing should be what they want. What drives Rujak is not because of my legacy, but based on new ideas.
Q: What an interesting and inspiring insight. We wish to have good and positive relationship with you. Thank you very much.
Marco: Thank you very much.
Interview held on 2 May